As we have learned in the previous posts, that Germany was in trouble after the World War-I. This trouble increased when Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. So, this crisis in Germany of the early 20th century proved to be a reason for the political, social, economic upheaval in Germany.
Reasons for the Rise of Nazism

Terms of Treaty of Versailles
Germans considered the treaty of Versailles as the humiliation of the German race. Germany was facing a burden of World War-I compensation. The year 1929, which ended with the Great Economic Depression increased the problems of Germany. So, Germans failed to pay the installments of war reparation money.
As they failed to repay war reparations, France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr region of Germany. Ruhr region was a coal producing region. So, it consequently led to the breakdown of German industries. In this scenario, German workers went on the strike for an indefinite period.
This ended the supply of fuel and laborers to German industries and slowing led to the closing down of German industries. This created unemployment in Germany. The Economic Depression also led to hyperinflation in Germany in which Germany devalued its currency.
Political Crisis
After 1918, Germany adopted a forced democratic system under the Weimar Republic. Initially, Kaiser was the head of the German States. So, democracy was a new system for German people. They were not used to this. Democracy develops gradually, one can not force it.

But after the World War-I democracy was imposed on the people. Soon, this newly imposed system became tension for the people of Germany.
The infant Weimer Republic, which was born in 1918, was facing the acute crisis in Germany. There were attempts to overthrow the infant government by various sections of Germany. They were communists, National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI party), etc.
In 1920, Dr. Kapp attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Kapp received support from one of Germany’s foremost military officers – General Erich Ludendorff. Soon, after three years in 1923, Ludendorff attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic. This time Ludendorff attempted with the help of his disciple Adolf Hitler.
Social Causes
The political and economic crisis prepared the ground for the social crisis in Germany. The unemployment was rising speedily. There was a lack of law and order because of the political crisis. So, a wave of nationalism spread all over Germany.
The Germans always considered themselves a superior race, so the terms and conditions of the Treaty of Versailles seemed very humiliating for them. So, the waves of Pan-Nationalism, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Semitic, and Anti-Democracy were rising like tsunamis in Germany.
The biggest social trouble was the anti-semitic movement. Actually, it was the tension between Germans and Jews. German accused Jews of being responsible for the defeat of Germany in World War-I.
Rise of Nazism: Emergence of Adolf Hitler
In 1919, Adolf Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI party). Initially, the Nazi Party failed to perform in the first general election. But after the Economic Depression of 1929, Germany was witnessing economic and political crisis. In this scenario, none of the parties got the complete majority in the general election of 1931.
The economic and political crisis led to the breakdown of the German industries. German Capitalists were in tension and the ground for the communists was thriving in Germany. So, when the German capitalists were in trouble Hitler, by siding with the capitalists stood up against the communists.
In the general election of 1931, the Nazi party had got a good number of seats, just a few short of the complete majority. The capitalists of Germany supported Adolf Hitler. So, he strengthened his position in Germany. Soon, In 1933 the head of Weimar Republic Hindenburg accepted Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. Hindenburg died in 1934.
Taking advantage of the situation Hitler forcefully occupied the office of the head of the Weimar Republic. So, Hitler became the Chancellor cum President of Germany.
From here started the Era of Adolf Hitler in Germany. We will discuss this in the upcoming post.
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