Group of Gandhiates or No-Changers

In the previous post, we read about the Swaraj Party. Swarajists entered the legislature to have changes in the system. Whereas, the other group of Gandhiates, ie staunch followers of Gandhi did not change their method. They were commonly called as No-Changers or Gandhiates.

Gandhiate or No-Changers

Dr Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru led the group of Gandhiates or No-Changers. Because their objective was to move people and promote creative programs among the masses, they gave emphasis to education and prepared the ground for the next phase of the freedom struggle in India.

Gandhiates were of the opinion that power corrupts the people. So, initially, they were barred from the legislative assemblies. But by taking inspiration from their counterparts Swarajists they participated in the municipal election of 1924.

Gandhiates wanted to prepare the people for the next phase of the freedom struggle. They worked to awaken the masses through their active involvement with the masses. They were facing the new challenge of rising communism in India. The year 1924 to 1930 was the Golden era of Communism in India.

Works of Gandhiate

Gandhiate promoted National Education. Wardha Commission came to evaluate the Education system. So, its recommendations gave emphasis to primary education. All India Khadi Board was established in 1924. Gandhiates stood against Casticism and Communalism in India. Therefore, they maintained the stream of freedom struggle by preparing people for future struggles.


For the first time in India, two opposite groups Swarajists and Gandhiates united and became complementary to each other. On the one side, Swarajists exposed the government to the people. On the other side, Gandhiates prepared the people for future freedom struggles.

Gandhi played a vital role in this. So, he became the president of the Indian National Congress Belgaum Session in 1924. Here, Gandhi also declared Swarajists as true nationalists. Although, Congress came out the internal trouble. But still, 1924 proved a paradigm shift in the Indian National Freedom Movement.

So, this gave birth to the Second Phase of Revolutionary Nationalism. The most chivalrous phase of the Indian Freedom Struggle. In the next post, we shall discuss the second phase of revolutionary nationalism.

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