First Governor-General of India: William Bentinck

In the previous post, we have read about Lord Hastings. Now, the work of the next governor-general was to consolidate this achievement. So, William Bentinck came into the scene to consolidate the achievements and please people with his reforms.

William Bentinck

William Bentinck (1828-1835 CE)
William Bentinck (1828-1835 CE)

Social Reforms

The first important contribution of William Bentinck was social reforms in India. The main reforms were like, he put the ban on thugs. Female infanticide, which was a general practice in regions of Punjab and Rajputana. But, the most important step was the abolition of Sati in 1829.

The general reason behind these reforms was the petition of Indian liberals like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, etc. But the real reason is hidden in the Charter Act of 1813. Charter act of 1813 ended the monopoly of East India Company’s trade in India except for tea and Chinese trade.

This act opened the Indian market for British industrialists and capitalists. So, it became very important for British rulers to create a mindset for British Goods in India. So, it seems by attacking these social evils he wanted to expose the backwardness of Indian culture. This would naturally attract the people towards Western culture preparing the ground for the market for British goods in India.

Along with this, William Bentinck was also utilitarian in nature who believed in the happiness of the majority (Philosophy given by Jermy Bentham).

Educational Reforms

The Charter act of 1813 not only opened the Indian Market for British good but it saw the expansion of the British Empire in India. In this scenario, the company needed subordinates in administration from local people. So, for this, it became necessary to prepare local people to be the subordinate in the administration of British officers in India.

Along with this education is the best medium to transform the mindset of people. So, this is evident by the statement of Macaulay, when he supported modern education in English medium. According to him, modern education based on rationalism will be responsible to do brainwash of Indians. So, in blood and color, they will be Indians but in thoughts, they will be western.

So, this would strengthen British rule in India. In this background, modern education in English medium introduced in India through Macaulay’s declaration of 1835.

Press Reforms

William Bentinck came out with the liberation of the Indian Press Act, 1835. In which the press was given freedom. This too was done for British popularity. Because now newspapers or press became the medium to reach out to the maximum number of people. By this tool, Britishers were able to explain their causes for reforms.

William Bentinck left the Policy of Aggression

William Bentinck emphasized on the peaceful relation with native states and for this, he left the policy of aggression. Actually, the policy of aggression had already lost its relevance in India as Britishers conquered almost all the India. Because the Indian States had already signed the subsidiary alliance. They were under the dominance of East India Company.

In this way, William Bentinck smartly consolidated company’s rule in India. So, the next Governor-General of India, Lord Dalhousie beautified this consolidation. In the next post, we will read about Lord Dalhousie.

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