In the last post, We have read that Adolf Hitler occupied the office of President as well as Chancellor in 1934. After becoming the head of Germany, he came out with some internal and external policies.
Internal Policies of Adolf Hitler
Political Policies
Unification of Germany, 1934
Germany was a federation. Under the Weimar Republic, most of Germany was facing internal trouble. In 1934, Adolf Hitler ended the regional crisis forever. He abolished the state legislatures. So, it was an end of the federal status of Germany in 1934.
Abolition of Human Rights
The abolition of the state legislature by the Adolf Hitler provoked the liberals and democrats. They opposed Hitler and stood in favor to re-establish the federal government in Germany. To control these rebels, Adolf Hitler ended the human and civil rights in Germany. He once said:
Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.
-Adolf Hitler
Many people stood against the step of Adolf Hitler in which he ended human and civil rights. So, to suppress the mass he opted for Purge i.e. Purification of Political Order. According to this, all political parties except the Nazi Party were banned. His rivals and opponents inside and outside of the Nazi party were eliminated. So, in 1934, there was only one political party in Germany i.e. Nazi Party led by leader Adolf Hitler.
Economic Policies
4-Year Plan
Due to the Economic Depression of 1929, German Industries were struggling for their revival. To empower German economic Adolf Hitler came out with the 4-Years Plan. The objective was to improve the infrastructure and industrial sector in Germany. This led to the revival of the German industries.
Cut Down Imports
To preserve the foreign exchange reserves, Adolf Hitler asked German to cut down their imports and more rely on the indigenous market. So, the German industries provided self-reliance to the Germans. Substitutes were given preferences like synthetic fiber, substituted wool, Synthetic rubber substituted natural rubber.
Execution of Jews
Jews were the prosperous community in Germany. Seventy percent business of Germany was in the hand of Jews. Adolf Hitler has given dreams to his people of employment, luxury, etc. But, directly it was not possible for him to fulfill his objective as Jews were the prominent capitalists in Germany.
So, it seemed that the main agenda is targeting the Jews was to transfer their wealth and business to the Germans. He said that,
All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.
Adolf Hitler
Social Policies
Adolf Hitler molded the education as such that NAZISM became the compulsory part of the syllabus. He started interfering in the personal life of people. German women were not allowed to marry non-German men. He too emphasized the superiority of the German race.
In this way, Hitler was successful in controlling the crisis in Germany for some time. But these superficial steps did not improve the economic, social, and political situation of Germany. In the roots, Germany was still weak and backward.
External Policies of Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was aware that the internal situation of Germany was not good. So, to distract the mind of masses from internal problems, he followed an aggressive external policy.
Left Disarmament Conference and League of Nations
Adolf Hitler left the Disarmament Agreement Conference, 1933. He gave a reason that the Disarmament was one of the provisions of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and if European Nations would have been sincere to this, Disarmament would have started from 1919.
He left League of Nations, considering it as the puppet of European Powers like Britain and France.
Neglected Treaty of Versailles, 1919
He neglected to follow the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919. Because he considered it illegal as the German delegates forcibly signed this treaty. Also, accused European powers that German delegated were not invited to attend the Paris Peace Conference, 1919.
Third Reich

Under the concept of Third Reich, Adolf Hitler wanted to establish a greater Germany by unifying the areas of German-speaking populations. Example: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria etc.
In 1925, British Petroleum established First Oil Industry in Iran. Though central and west Asia was the area of importance from the ancient time but after this establishment. So, Britain wanted to have proper access to this region. Whereas it seemed that Adolf Hitler wanted to create a wall between West Europe and West Asia, so he could dominate the economy and polity of this area.

So, in this background, Adolf Hitler started Policy of Aggression. In which first victim was Rhineland. Engelbert Dollfuss, the ruler of Austria died a mysterious death. So, Germany incorporated a part of Austria. From here he started another expedition to the Sudetenland, the German dominated area of Czechoslovakia.
This alarmed European powers especially Britain and France. So, the tension between Germany and European powers Britain and France led to the Munich Conference of 1938.
Munich Conference, 1938

In this conference, Hitler promised to leave the policy of aggression if he was allowed to control Sudetenland. Britain and France agreed to this condition. But soon Hitler violated his promise and incorporated entire Czechoslovakia in 1939.
Finally, he kept his hand on Poland and this was the end of the patience of Britain. Britain then declared war against Germany. So, it was the immediate reason for the outbreak of World War-II.
Before, going into the World War-II, we will discuss Fascism in Italy. Wait for the next post. Soon, we will read Fascism and how both Nazism and Fascism played their role in World War-II????
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