King Harshavardhan!
After the Skandagupta, the successive Gupta rulers were not able to fight with the external Huna invasion. So, the Gupta Empire started declining. When the central power became dilapitated many feudal lords declared their independence from the weak central power. So, in the aftermath of the Gupta Period, the Indian Subcontinent saw the rule of many feudal lords over north-western India.
So, approximately 10 feudal lords parcelled out Gupta Empire among themselves. But gradually one of the feudal lord ruling at the Thanesar in Haryana empowered itself to such extent that all other feudal lords surrendered to the Thanesar. And this great feudal lord was Harshavardhan.
Sources of Harsha Empire
Chinese Pilgrim

Xuan Zang (629-644 CE) was the Chinese pilgrim, who came to India during the reign of Harsha. His book Si-Yu-Ki describes the Harsha’s Reign. He defines that Shudras as peasants. He also said that there were 60000 elephants in Harsh’s Army. Most of the Indians were vegetarian during his period.
Xuan Zang spent a lot of time at Harsha’s Court as a Royal Guest. But he writes that roads during the reign of Harsha were not free from the robbery. Even, he himself was once robbed. However, royal police were able to find out the robbers.
Banabhatta was the court poet of Harsha. He wrote Harshacharita, Kadambari, Parvati Parinaya, Chandi-Satak, etc. In his work, he praised his Emperor. Harshacharita is the biography of the Harsha. Banabhatta wrote Harshacharita in Sanskrit.
Aihole Inscription
Aihole inscription of Chalukyan King Pulkeshin-II mentions about Harsha. It actually mentions that Pulkeshin-II stopped Harsha’s southward campaign at the Narmada Valley. So, the Ravikirti, court poet of Pulkeshin-II said that after the defeat at the hand of Pulkeshin-II, “Harsha was no longer Harsha (Happy)”.
Harshavardhan’s Work
Harshavardhan had written three plays
- Priyadarshika
- Nagananda
- Ratnavali
He also wrote two Buddhist poems
- Suprabhat
- Ashthamahashree
Banskhera Inscription
It gives an account that writing of Harshavardhan was very nice.
Other Inscriptions
Madhuban, Paskhera and Kurukshetra copper plate inscriptions give an account of land grants given during the reign of Harshavardhan.
Harshavardhan Accession to the Throne

Harshavardhan, also known as Siladitya ascended the Pushyabhuti throne in 606 CE at the age of 16th and ruled for 41 years. Actually, his father Prabhakarvardhan gave his kingdom to his elder son (who was the elder brother of Harshavardhan) Rajyavardhan. But he was killed in a conspiracy by rulers of Malwa and Bengal. So, Harshavardhan also called Harsha ascended to the throne thereafter.
Harshavardhan proceeded towards the east against Shashank of Gauda. Shashank of Gauda was the killer of Rajyavardhan and Grahavarman (Brother-in-Law of Harshavardhan). Harsha got the support from the Bhaskarvarman, the King of Kamakhya or Kamroop. With the help of Bhaskarvarman, Harshvardhan succeeded to defeat Shashank.
Administrative System of Harshavardhana
Though Harshavardhan governed his Empire in a similar way as of Gupta Rulers. But there was a more feudal character in the administrative system of Harshavardhan. His first capital was Thanesar. But then he shifted his capital to Kannauj. Because Kannauj was situated at a higher elevation. So, it seemed to be easy to fortify the Capital there.
It is evident that the feudatories contributed him by their elephants, horses, and army men, whenever needed. So, there was a great role of feudal lords during the Harshavardhan’s reign. Harshavardhan divided his income into four parts,
- One part was saved for the Royal Family.
- The second part for the Army Officials and Public Servants.
- The third part was for Scholars.
- The last part was for Religious purposes.
Harshavardhan was the last important ruler of north India in ancient times. It is said that he was influenced by Buddhism. So, it seems under the influence of Buddhism the severity of punishment was not present during his reign. During the reign of Harshavardhan, the Mahayana Buddhist sect flourished and spread over North Asia.
Kannauj Assembly and Prayag Mahotsav

All religions conferences took place in his capital Kannauj. It was the Kannauj Assembly. All the scholars and priests from the different religions and sects came to attend this assembly. Xuan Zang presided the Kannauj Assembly. Xuan Zang was the supporter of Mahayanist Sect of Buddhism.
In every 5 years, Prayag Mahotsav or Mahamoksha Parishad was organized during the reign of Harshavardhan. In this festival Lord Shiva, Ganesha, Buddha was worshipped. However, one day of this festival was devoted to the Charitable purpose, in which land grants were given for the religious or any purposes. Harshavardhan personally participated in this festival.
Birth of Samantas
The term Samanta, which meant an independent neighbor, according to Arthashastra. Manu Smriti and Yajnavalkya Smriti used Samanta terms in the sense of those persons with whose help boundaries disputes were resolved. Now the meaning of term Samanta changed. During the Harshavardhan’s reign, Samanta meant to be high government officials. And their post became hereditary during his reign.
This was all about the Harshavardhan’s Empire and administration. We have completed all the main important rulers of north India. Now in the upcoming post, we shall start our journey to the Southern Kingdoms.
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