Phases of Japanese Imperialism
Japanese Imperialism Initial Phase
In 1894, Japan was a modern power in Asia. And now, Japan wanted its entry into Asian mainland. For this, the closest option was to enter Korea. Korea at that time was a territory of China. So, attacking Korea would certainly an attack on Chinese sovereignty. China was in trouble because of rising Japanese Imperialism, so Korea was also facing crisis.
Sino-Japanese War, 1894
Japan took advantage of this crisis and started economic and political reforms in Korea. China opposed these reforms as Korea was Chinese territory. So, this led to conflict between China and Japan, which culminated in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894. In this war, Japan defeated China. By the treaty of Shimonoseki 1895, China accepted the supremacy of Japan over Korea. So, this Sino-Japanese War, 1894 started the story of Japanese Imperialism.

Tension between Russia and Japan
In 1895, Japan’s entry in Korea became the cause of tension for Russia. Because Russia and Korea were sharing a common border with Manchuria, which was a part of the Chinese Empire. Manchuria was also a reservoir of coal and iron. Because of this Russia was having an eye on this region.
So, from here started tension between Russia and Japan. The tension between Russia and Japan became the cause of happiness for Britain. Because the Turkey or Ottoman Empire was the old ally of Britain in Europe to counter Russian influence in the middle eastern region. But the Ottoman Empire had lost its glory in the previous years of World War-I.
Now, Britain was seeking a new ally to counter Russia in Asia. So, the tension between Japan and Russia gave the new ally to Britain. Soon, Britain allied with Japan in 1902. This alliance increased the enthusiasm and elevated the status of Japan.
Soon, Japan started interfering with Russian interests. This increased tension between Japan and Russia leading to war. Russia and Japan fought a war in 1905, in which Japan defeated Russia. The war culminated with the treaty of Portsmouth in 1905. This treaty was concluded with the intermediation of the USA. By this treaty, Japan got Port Arthur, Sakhalin Islands, and claim on Korea.
In this way, the phase-I of the Japanese Imperialism turned Japan into a world power. In over-enthusiasm in 1910 Japan annexed Korea.
Military Fascism in Japan
It seemed that the achievements of Japan turned the mind of the Japanese military and gave birth to military Fascism. Under it, the military started the self-glorification movement. Japanese military started interference in the political setup of the nation. They started eliminating the people of democratic and liberal sentiments.
So, this became the cause of pain in Japanese society. This also deteriorated Japan’s relationship with western powers. This tension turned into a rift in Paris Peace Conference, 1919. Because in this conference Japan demanded all German territories in China including Shantung. But European powers denounced to give the deal to Japan. So, from here Japanese Imperialism became silent and waited for the right opportunity, which they got after the 1930s.
Phase-II: Japanese Imperialism

After the Great World Depression of 1929, the European powers and the United States of America were in trouble. So, taking advantage of this condition Japan once again raised Japanese Imperialism. In 1931, Japan came out with the 21 point program.
Japan was demanding China to be under the military protection of Japan. Because China was facing the threat of Communism at that time. The United States of America once again opposed this aspiration of Japan. But Japan started its Japanese Imperialism cycle by occupying Manchuria.
In 1937, Europe was once again in trouble. It was due to the rise of aggressive nationalism like Nazism and Fascism. So, Japan took advantage and attacked China leading to the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937. In the first round, Japan occupied the entire eastern China. The United States of America came forward and to control Japan imposed economic sanctions on Japan which included,
- The ban on the export of scrap iron to Japan.
- The United States of America Freeze all Japanese accounts.
Economic Sanctions on Japan
In this scenario, Japan decided to go for an aggressive policy against the United States’ economic sanctions. In 1941 Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbour. This was the entry of the United States of America and Japan in World War-II.

In the first initiative, Japan occupied entire east Asia. And came out with two slogans to strengthen its position against its enemies. This was a new kind of Japanese Imperialism. The two slogans were,
- Asia for Asians.
- New Economic order.
Asia for Asians
Under Asia for Asians, the objective was to the establishment of the nationalist government in entire Asia and the elimination of foreign powers. Japan also gave backing to the Indian National Army. It gave a boost to the Indian freedom movement. And after few years India got independence.
New Economic Order
Under the New Economic order, their goal was economic co-prosperity of Asian nations under the guidance of Japan. In spite of these two attractive slogans, Japanese Imperialism faced defeat in the World War-II. The reasons for its defeat were,
- Japan failed to attract the masses and prominent leaders of Asia of that time like Mahatma Gandhi.
- They had the time for conquest but they were unable to consolidate their conquests.
- They occupied a vast area but they lacked the human resource to control the area.
With the dropping of the atom bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the story of Japanese Imperialism ended. The defeat of Japan in World War-II also created a power vacuum in Korea. From here starts the story of the Korean crisis.
We will discuss Korean crisis in the upcoming post. Till then enjoy learning.
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