The West Asian Nations were the creation of Western powers. And now, these western powers because of their personal interest in this region creating havoc in this region. One should know the importance of this West Asian Region. It is the region of oil reservoirs. And this region is immensely rich in non-renewable energy resources.

As the world is going through the Industrial Revolution 4.0, so the requirement of crude oil is rising day by day. So, every developing country and developed country is having its eyes on this resource-rich region. So, the major world economies playing their game in this region.
The religion of the West Asian Region
This region is the place where the religion of Islam was born. It is the birth land of Prophet Mohammad. In the present scenario, the only binding force in the West Asian Region is religion. later after the Prophet Mohammad, Islam was divided mainly into two sects.
They are Shia and Sunni. So, the main reason for the stress in this region is the war between these two sects. These two sects are receiving backing from the two major powers of this region. One is Iran, which is backing Shia, another one is Saudi Arabia, which gives its backing to the Sunni groups.
When the Syrian Crisis outbreak in 2011, an organization Islamic State of Iraq and Syria came into existence, that is ISIS. Abu-Bakr-Al-Baghdadi is the founder of the ISIS. The organization is moving on to the ideology of Wahabism. Wahabism ideology believes in the purest form of Islam and aspiring to re-establishing Caliphate in the West Asian Region.
Background of the Sects
Abdul Wahab was an Islamic Scholar of the 18th century. He believed in Sunni Islam as the pure form of Islam. So, from his name, his ideology is now called Wahabism. It aims for the purification of Islam and the establishment of the greater Islamic world in the Central and West Asian Region.

Wahabism considers all the sects (Shia, Kurds, Druze) of Islam other than Sunni as Kafir . So, in this scenario, there are two divisions on the basis of these sects. Iran and its supporters and Saudi Arabia and its supporters. The solution for this trouble lies in the right of self-determination of people under the supervision of world community and world organizations like the United Nations.
In the upcoming post, we will discuss the strategic importance of the West Asian region Iran.
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