In the previous post, we have read about the period of Lord Lytton. Though Lord Lytton wanted to help British rule in India. But unfortunately, his policies made the Indian masses hostile towards British Rule. So, the next Viceroy came to apply ointment on the wounds given by Lord Lytton. He was Lord Ripon.
Lord Ripon (1880-1884)

Repealed Vernacular Press Act of 1878
Lord Ripon repealed Vernacular Press Act and these newspapers in the local language got the right of reprinting. The additional clause added to the repealed act that if anything will be written about government it will initially be edited by government officials. This gave rights and enthusiasm to all the vernacular press.
Hunter Commission (1882-1883)
Education is the soul of family, society and nation.
Lord Ripon during his period appointed Hunter Commission to review the condition of primary education in India. The recommendations of the commission gave promotion to primary education. The charge of primary education came under the district boards.
Reduction in Salt Duty
Ripon reduced Salt Duty by 1%, which brought down the price of salt in the market. So, this became the cause of happiness for common people in India. India has a large coastline and still, if people were paying salt duty then it was/is/will be the cause of frustration for the people.
Local Self Government
From 1857, one of the major demand of Indians were to have their share in the political and administrative scenario of the country. So, Lord Ripon gave the gift of local self-government to Indians. Under it, local bodies were made autonomous completely under the charge of Indians.
- Municipal Co-operation.
- District Board etc.
In this way, the viceroy was successful in satisfying the sentiment of the local people of India. But he never crossed his limit and was always concerned about British interests in India.
In the upcoming post, we shall read about more reforms of Lord Ripon and the very famous Ilbert Bill Controversy.
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