In the previous post, we have read about India’s Council Act 1892. Though this act came with many provisions still it was not as per the demand of the masses. So, once again masses were in trouble and creating trouble for the rulers. So, in this situation, Lord Curzon came to India to deal with the problem.
In this post, we shall read about Lord Curzon and his administrative reforms in India.
Lord Curzon

Administrative Reforms
Calcutta Municipal Co-operation Act 1899
Lord Ripon gave the gift of Local Self Government to the Indians. Later the gift became a curse for the British Government. Because of the provision of the indirect election in the India Council Act 1892. The Indian members in Local Bodies were inclined towards nationalism.
So, this became the cause of pain for the Britishers. Therefore, Lord Curzon transformed the structure of local self-government by increasing the number of official members in it. The declared agenda and hidden agenda was the following,

Police Reforms
Lord Curzon appointed Frazer Commission in 1902 under the leadership of Andrew Frazer. The objective of this commission was to review the condition of the provincial police. The recommendation of the Frazer Commission was that the Police Department is inefficient and without discipline. Therefore he took two steps to strengthen provincial police,
- He established Police training institutes.
- Also established a new intellectual/ intelligence department CID.
In this reform also, distinguished declared and hidden agendas.

Educational Reforms
In the educational reforms, Lord Curzon appointed Rayleigh Commission in 1902. The objective was to review the higher education in India. So, University act of 1904 came in India. The provisions were,
- Increased official members in the Senate of the university.
- Strict Affiliation rules were made. Phenomena of Character Certificate was started from this act.
- The periodic inspection of the university was compulsory.
- The entire decision regarding the affairs of the university was in the hand of government.
Though all the educational reforms have done with some diplomatic purpose. But the declared agenda was always for the benefit of the masses.

One historian commented on the university reforms act,
The act of 1904 certainly left the Indian university to be an institution meant not for the fostering of love of learning but for the providing of efficient hurdles in a race after job.
HCE Zacharias
In the upcoming post, we shall read about Lord Curzon’s economic reforms. Till then, enjoy learning.
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