In the previous post, we have read about the Partition of Bengal. After the Partition of Bengal, the nationalist leaders of India got frustrated and realize that if they will keep practicing petition, prayer, and protest methods it will not work with the Britishers.
They decided to change the method of Freedom Struggle. So, from here the Second Phase of the Indian National Congress (INC) started under Extremists leaders. The eminent extremists’ leaders were LAL-BAL-PAL or Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Vipin Chandra Pal.
INC Second Phase: Extremists

The initial demand for Moderates was good governance. But instead of fulfilling this demand, Britishers tried to weaken the spirit of nationalism by the Partition of Bengal. So, this was the British adamant attitude that gave birth to the extremists in the Indian National Congress. Instead of focusing on the petition, prayer, and protest. Extremists started the philosophy of Boycott and Passive resistance.
Young Nationalists of India were already irritated by the British government. So, in this situation, they got enthusiasm from two important events in world history,
- Ethiopia defeated Italy in 1896.
- Japan defeated Russian in 1905.
These two events shattered the myth of “Whiteman’s Superiority” in the world.
Inspiration of Extremists
The inspiration came from the socio-religious reformers like Swami Vivekanand, Dayanand Saraswati, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, etc.
- Swami Vivekananda said weakness is death.
- Dayananda Saraswati coined the term Swaraj or Self Rule. He also said that Swaraj is the best form of government.
All these reforms not only gave birth to a new society but also gave impetus to the nationalism in the country.
The philosophy of extremists got a promotion from the masses. As we know philosophy gets the promotion because of the preaching personality. So, at the beginning of the 20th-century extremists got three jewels Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Vipin Chandra Pal.
All the three were a very good orator and mass mobilizer. Example,
- Tilak started the Shivaji festival and Ganesha Festival to increase mass participation.
- Lala Lajpat Rai played a very important role to mobilize the young students of the country.
All these factors gave power to the extremists in the early 20th century. The most important contribution of the extremists to the Indian Freedom Struggle was the Swadeshi Movement.
So, in the upcoming post, we shall be discussing the Swadeshi Movement and its impacts. Till then enjoy learning.
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