As Lord Mountbatten came to India with a boundary commission, so it was pretty clear that the partition of India was the only solution according to the British Raj. So, Muslim League was happy as they got what they desired. But most of the Indian masses were not happy. Though Britishers were ready to leave India. But this independence came with lots of sacrifices.
India which was/is/will be the most tolerant country got divided on the basis of religion. Mountbatten Plan promised a complete transfer of power to Indians. So, British Government went ahead with its promise. Finally, the Indian Independence Act was introduced in parliament on 4th July 1947. Here, this act came,
To enable the representatives of India and Pakistan to frame their own constitutions and to provide for the exceedingly difficult period of transition.
Indian Independence Act
The act provided for the partition of India 🙁 and the establishment of the two Dominions, India and Pakistan. So, the Government of India Act 1935 became the basis for the Indian state. Most of the constitution was made from the provisions of the Government of India Act 1935.
The British government divested itself of all powers and control over the affairs of the Dominions after the 15th of August 1947. The Indian Independence Act converted India from a dependency of the crown into two independent Dominions within the British Commonwealth of Nations. So, the word “independent” emphasises freedom from the oppressive and imperialist British Government.

Finally, with a long enthusiastic freedom struggle, we got independence from the oppressive British Government. Many people, directly or indirectly contributed to our freedom, without their ultimate sacrifice we would not be able to see the light of freedom. So we should not forget their contribution and always cherish our freedom.
Azaad Bharat!!!!
Mr Attlee, the then Prime Minister of Britain said,
It is the culminating point in a long course of events… We are going to handover the power to the Indian and Pakistani leaders.
We are grateful to all our freedom fighters and will always remain indebted. So, here we conclude our journey to Modern India. We got independence and now new responsibilities will come. Now, we are going to read how our great leaders will give shape to our present map with great effort. So, in the next post, we will see the post-independent India.
Thank you so much. 🙂 Stay Connected. 🙂