In the last post, we have read about the first phase of Revolutionary Nationalism. The next important event was Ghadar Movement 1907-1914. Here, in this post, we shall read about the important features and sequences of the Ghadar Movement.
Ghadar Movement
Phase-I: Seattle Plan
With the coming of the immigration act of 1908, G.D. Kumar and Taraknath Das established the United India house. So, this organization sends two delegations one to British Crown and second to the Viceroy of India pleading that as Indians are also the citizen of British Empire and Canada is Dominion of Britain.
So, it is the moral and political duty of Britain to interfere in the matter and prepare the ground for the settlements of Indians to Canada. They failed to the got response from both the places and this failure of the moderate approach of Indian opened the door for the next phase of extremism, which starts with the formation of the “Hind Association”.
Phase-II: Hind Association
Association formed in Portland, 1913. The important role played by Lala Hardayal, a professor at Stanford University in the United States of America. They had headquartered in San Franciso. The headquarter is named Youghantar Ashram. They published the “Ghadar” newspaper.
Ghadar Movement: Ghadar Newspaper

Ghadar, the newspaper of the Hind Association played a very important role in this movement. It revived the story of suppression given by moderates. Example, Drain of Wealth. They also gave solutions for the problem, that is the revolt against British Empire.
The newspaper also emphasized nationalism. To strengthen nationalism Ghadar Party declared Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Khudi Ram Bose as their ideals. The content of the newspaper also emphasized Secularism (Hindu-Muslim-Sikh-Isai, Apas Mein Hai Bhai-Bhai).
Though, initially, the newspaper was published in Urdu. But after some time Gurmukhi Script edition was also published by the Ghadar Party. In this way, the Ghadar newspaper played a very important role in awakening the people.
Phase-III: Komagata Maru Incident
While the “Hind Association” was carrying on the Ghadar Movement against the immigration act of 1908. Indians filed the case against the Canadian Government. In 1914, Indians won the case. So, inspired by this victory, Gurdit Singh, a Sikh in Singapore hired the Japanese ship Komagata Maru. Gurdit Singh started sailing towards Canada with Indian Labourers.

Before this ship would reach Canada, the Canadian Government went for the constitutional amendment. So, once again closed the door of Canada for Indians. In spite of all types of appeal by the Indians boarding Komagata Maru, the Canadian Government did not allow them to enter Canada.
So, the people returned back to India and when they reached Boudge-Boudge, the Indian government instead of giving help and support started the search operation. So, in this scenario, Ghadarites declared a revolt against British Empire. But the revolt ended before it could start.
In spite of this setback, Ghadarites did not give up hope, and this leads to the last phase of the Ghadar Movement. It was Kabul Episode.
Phase-IV: Kabul Episode
As Lala Hardayal left the movement, Ghadarites elected Ras Bihari Bose as their leader. So, Ras Bihari Bose established the provisional government of India in Kabul in alliance with Raja Mahendra Pratap and Barkatullah. From there declared war against British Empire.
They failed in their objective to eliminating British rule in India. But also they had an important role in the freedom struggle of India. Because they maintained the stream of freedom struggle, strengthen nationalism and secularism. Their biggest work was awakening Indians against suppression and exploitation of British rule.
In this way, Revolutionary Nationalism and Ghadar Movement maintained pressure on the government from 1907 to 1914. But with the beginning of World War-I situation started changing in India.