In the last post, we have read that Israel became a nation for Jews in 1948. India also recognized Israel as an independent Jew’s homeland. But the natives of Palestine were Arabs. And they were not in a mood to recognize Israel. As they considered Palestine was their native place and holy land.

Arab nations were highly irritated by the unnecessary intervention of the United Nations and Western powers. So, this led to the first Arab-Israel War in 1948.
Arab-Israel War of 1948
In 1948, Arab countries Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Lebanon united and attacked Israel. Though the Arabs were more in numbers Jews were having highly advanced ammunitions. So, this Arab-Israel War resulted in the favor of Israel. Israel won the war and increased its territory by 50%.
In this Arab-Israel War, Jordan captured East Jerusalem and West Bank. Palestinians either flee or forced to settle in refugee camps near Israel’s border. This Palestinian defeat and exodus were called as Nakba or disaster. This was the first Arab-Israel War and Israel proved that it would not tolerate any attack on its sovereignty. The next important event was the Suez War of 1956.
Suez War of 1956
After the first Arab-Israel War Egypt came under the leadership of Colonel Naseer. As we know that the Suez canal from the very ancient time was the heart of the world trade route. So, when Colonel Naseer came into power in Egypt, he went for the nationalisation of the Suez canal in 1956. He took this step because he wanted to construct Aswan dam on river Nile.

Though initially, he asked the USA to have some economic aid to built the Aswan Dam. But the USA refused to grant economic aid to Egypt. So, Naseer went for the nationalisation of the Suez canal. He also provided a reason that according to the treaty of Constantinople, 1888 Suez canal was accepted as the territory of Egypt. So, Egypt was having unanimous right to go for the nationalisation.
In the scenario of the Cold War, the Naseer was having a slight inclination toward the socialist philosophy. This increased bonhomie between USSR and Egypt. But this bonhomie irritated the capitalist powers of the western world. The nationalization of the Suez canal was big trouble for Britain, France, etc. Because they were having colonies in East Asia, and the Suez canal was in their route to East Asia.
So, Britain, France and Israel united and fought against the Egypt for the control of the Suez canal. This was the second Arab-Israel War. In this war, Britain faced a humiliating defeat and this ended the British influence in Egypt. But in this war too Israel won and captured Sinai Peninsula of Egypt.
Arab-Israel War, 1967
Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Algeria (got independence in 1962) united and stood for the cause of their Palestinian friends. They all united and attacked Israel once again. But this time too they face humiliating defeat. Israel again defeated all Arab States.
And this time Israel captured Sinai Peninsula (Egypt), Golan Heights (Syria), Whole Jerusalem, West Bank (Jordan), and Gaza Strip too. Israel expanded its territory up to 200%. This war led to the United Nations resolution 242 in 1967.

United Nations Resolution 242
This time the United Nations came out with the land for peace formula. And UN resolution 242 came out with the objective to establish a just and lasting peace in the middle-east region.
UN asked Israel to withdraw its forces from occupied territories after the second Arab-Israel War of 1967. This led to the withdrawal of Israeli troops from occupied territories. The three conclusions of this resolution were,
- End of hostility.
- Respect for the sovereignty of all states.
- Right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries.
But this peace did not last for a long time. Because Israel retained all territories captured in the 1967 war. So, this led to the Yom Kippur War or October War, 1973.
Yom Kippur War of October War of 1973
Syria and Egypt wanted to regain their territories Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula respectively. So, on the Jewish festival Yom Kippur, they attacked Israel. This was the third Arab-Israel War. In which Israel withdrew its forces from the Suez Canal and Egypt agreed to open the Suez canal for Israel in 1975. This war concluded by Camp David Accords of 1979.
Camp David Accords, 1979
This was the Egypt-Israel peace treaty with the three main provisions,
- Demilitarisation of the Sinai Peninsula by Israel.
- Egypt promised not to attack Israel again.
- Egypt allowed Israeli ships to use the Suez canal.
This bonhomie between Israel and Egypt was not accepted by the other Arab states. So, this led to the assassination of Egyptian President Saadat in 1981.
All the Arab-Israel wars till date won by the Israel. But the Israel-Palestine issue is not resolved till date.
Demand of Palestinians
The below diagram shows the demand of Palestinians. But Israel outrightly rejects this proposal.

Oslo Accords
First Oslo Accord, 1993
It was signed between Israel and Palestinian Liberation Organisation (commonly known as PLO). The important points of this Oslo Accord was,
- PLO promised to give terrorism.
- Palestinian authorities established in Israeli occupations. Israel gave limited self-rule to Palestinians in parts of Gaza Strip and West Bank.
Second Oslo Accord, 1995
This accord asked Israel to withdraw its forces from West Bank and Gaza Strip. But Israel is not accepting this because of the rising Hamas Terrorism. Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic Fundamentalist Organisation.
Post-2000 scenario
Israel unilaterally pulled out from the Gaza Strip in 2005. Israel handed over Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority. Presently Hamas has taken the control over Gaza Strip. In 2007, Israel-imposed a blockade on Gaza Strip. In 2012, Palestine’s status was upgraded to a non-member observer state in the United Nations.
Iran supports Hamas of Gaza. Whereas West Bank lies partially with the Palestinian Authority and remaining portion with Israel. East Jerusalem is the occupation of Israel. But Palestine wants a homeland with East Jerusalem as their capital. Israel continues to build settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem.

United Nations Resolution 2334
Recently UNSC came out with resolution 2334, which concern with the Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem. It states that,
Israel’s settlement activities in East Jerusalem constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and has no legal validity.
This resolution demands that Israel stops such activity and fulfil its obligations under the fourth Geneva Convention.
This was all about Arab-Israel problem in general and Israel-Palestine problem in particular. We wish that this problem in the middle-eastern region will solve soon and peace and love spread all over this region. 🙂
Thank you so much. 🙂 Stay Connected. 🙂