Iran is an important country in the West Asian region. It is because of the following reasons,
- Historical Background
- Strategical Location
- Oil Reservoir
Historical Background of Iran
From the very ancient time, Iran was a center of Sumerian Civilisation. It had trade relations with the major civilization of the ancient period. Mesopotamia, Egyptian, Indus Valley Civilisations are some contemporary civilization of Iranian or Sumerian Civilisation. Iranian book Avesta is a contemporary book of Rigveda. It had an important position in the ancient Silk Route.

Strategical Importance of Iran
Iran being an important trade centre in the Silk Route has strategical importance in the West Asian region. It is surrounded by many important West Asian and Central Asian countries. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkmenistan etc. are the neighbours of it.
In this way, at the beginning of the 20th century, Iran appeared to be of great importance to the western world. The second decade of the 20th century proved to be a turning point for Iran especially in 1925 under the Raza Khan.
Reign of Raza Khan
In 1925, Raza Khan, the Iranian military officer came into power in Iran with the backing of Britain. It seems like a reward for Britain, Raza Khan gave permission to British Petroleum to establish Anglo-Iranian Oil Industry. This became a cause of tension for the USSR. As the presence of British Capitalism near the Soviet Communism caused tension between these two countries.
In 1925, Raza Khan established the Pahlavi Dynasty with the help of Britain. In the same year, USSR relieved from its internal trouble i.e. Civil War of 1918-1925. And from here USSR started giving backing to the anti-British lobby of Iran on the issue of Royalty. Because of its unrest started against Britain. So, in 1931, Britain through a supplementary treaty increased Royalty to the Iranian government. But still, the opposition was not satisfied.
Reign of Muhammad Mosaddegh
In 1945, with the end of World War-II, Britain’s position became weak. And taking advantage of this situation Muhammad Mosaddegh, leader of the Anti-British group overthrew Raza Khan’s regime in 1951. So, this was an attack on the British interest. But before Mosaddegh would take any action a coup organization overthrew the Mosaddegh from the throne in 1955.
Baghdad Pact of 1955
After the dethroning of Mosaddegh, Raza Khan once again came into power. The United States of America came out with the Baghdad Pact of 1955. It was a subsidiary alliance of the United States of America with central and west Asian nations. So, the signatories to this pact were,
- Saudi Arabia
- Syria
- Iraq
- Iran
- Pakistan
The security of these countries is now in the hand of the United States of America. So, in this situation, Raza Khan decided to internally strengthen his position so he started reforms in Iran.
Reforms of Raza Khan
Land Reforms
Though it was a good attempt. But it irritated Shia priestly class. Because 95 percent of the land was under the control of Shia priestly class.
White Revolution of 1963
It was an overall revolution, overall changes in the field of society, polity, economy, etc. So, the main objective of this revolution was to the modernization of Iran with greater emphasis on Modern education. And there was a ban on irrelevant social customs and religion like veil/purdah/hijab.
Role of SAVAK
SAVAK was a secret police organization. And this organization started imposing reforms of Raza Khan.
Immunity to Britishers and Americans
Under this provision, Raza Khan’s regime gave immunity to the American and British citizens from the internal laws of Iran.
Impact of Raza Khan’s Reforms
Though the reforms of Raza Khan were not wrong. But they were beyond his time. So, people did not accept these reforms. And the forceful imposing of the reforms irritated the masses. So, now the troubled situation of Iran gave opportunities to the rebels and Shia priestly class. They started provoking the people against Raza Khan.
So, as the unrest was prevailing in Iran. But the biggest cause of tension was that though the earning from the oil exports was increasing it did not increase the purchasing power of the masses. Rather it was increasing the prosperity and wealth of the “Shah of Iran”. Because a large part of the income was going to the Pahlavi Foundation.
Role of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
In such circumstances, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the spiritual leader (who was in an asylum in Paris) started silent propaganda against the ruler of Iran. His cassettes describing the un-Islamic behavior of Raza Khan was distributed among masses. These cassettes provoked the massed. So, before the Raza Khan would understand this development, the entire situation of Iran started turning against him.
In the last phase of 1978, Iran saw the beginning of mass protests, demonstrations, strikes against Raza Khan. Before Raza Khan would control the situation, in January 1979 the entire population stood up against Raza Khan. Somehow Raza Khan managed to escape from Iran.
On April 1, 1979, Iran became an Islamic republic. So, as a spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini declared nationalization of all the foreign properties. And while addressing the people he said that God’s rule has started. He also said that the first priority of this rule is to eliminate evils in this world, i.e. the United States of America.
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