Rebirth of China
Exploitation by the European powers led to an awakening in China. In this, the most important event was the Young China Movement. May Fourth Movement, intellectual revolution, and sociopolitical reform movement occurred in China in 1917-1921. These movements were directed towards national independence.
They emphasized the change in the administration of China. They also emphasized on the rebuilding society and culture. So, as part of this new cultural movement, the youth attacked traditional Confucian ideas and exalted western ideas. So, there was an emphasis on science and technology and democracy.
There was a rising feeling of liberalism, pragmatism, nationalism, anarchism, and socialism. Kang-Hu-Tse was one of the prominent personalities of these movements. He is also known as the Modern Saint of China. So, this change in the thinking of people prepared the ground for the Chinese Revolution.
Chinese Revolution of 1912
The Young China Movement wanted a political and cultural change in China. While the allied powers like Britain, France, etc. wanted the support of China in the case of World War-I. So, allied powers supported the cause of the Young China Movement. Actually, the allied were known to the fact that if they support the cause of this movement the Monarchy of China would give up in favor of allied powers.
Soon, their motive succeeded to attack the target. Manchu Dynasty was facing pressure from two sides. So, this led to the voluntarily give up of Manchu king from the throne.

The National Assembly came into existence. This assembly elected Dr. Sun Yat Sen as the first president of the Chinese Republic. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is the maker of Modern China because he gave three principles Nationalism, Democracy, Livelihood. These three became the preamble of the Chinese Constitution.
Chinese Revolution: Nationalism
In India, nationalism was a natural outcome of Britain’s imperialism. But China was not in direct possession of the foreign powers. So, the Chinese Revolution was basically the outcome of the various factors. Dr. Sun Yat Sen emphasized nationalism and considered it as the first and prior most reason to unify all the Chinese people.

So, the Chinese Revolution of 1912 promoted nationalism which was a unifying force irrespective of race, religion, and region.
Chinese Revolution: Democracy
Democracy is a binding force in the present world. Because it gives equal political rights to everyone irrespective of race, religion, caste, creed etc. In India, Democracy revived gradually under the guardianship of Britain from 1857-1947. But in China, there was no Democracy.
Democracy can not thrive in a few years. So, Dr Sun Yat Sen proposed the development of Democracy in three phases:
- Military Dictatorship.
- One party System.
- Complete Democratic structure, once the people will start understanding Democracy.
China presently going through its second phase of development of Democracy.
Chinese Revolution: Livelihood
Livelihood, based on two objectives,
- Employment to the people.
- Economic empowerment of the state.
These three principles Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood became the founding stones of Modern China. And the present governments also respecting these principles from the Chinese Revolution of 1912 to the present day.

With the end of World War-I, China got the reward of being part of the victorious powers.
- Chinese delegated were invited to the Paris Peace Conference.
- China became a member of the League of Nations.
- The biggest reward was the Washington Conference of 1921. According to this European powers left all their claims on China. So, China became a Sovereign Nation.
After Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the next important Chinese leader was Chiang-Kai-Sheik. And after 1920, he was facing similar conditions in China which India faced during the reign of Jawaharlal Nehru as the first Prime Minister of independent India.
The year 1937, proved to be a very crucial year for China. Because Mao-Zedong started a long march from Southern China to Northern China. In this Scenario, Japan invaded the Chinese territory of Manchuria. And at the same time, Adolf Hitler and Mussolini became active players in Europe. So, before China would get support from the western world in the Manchuria invasion, in 1939 the world saw the beginning of World War-II.
Mao used this period as the opportunity to establish himself in China. And after strengthening his position in China, in 1949 he overthrew the Chiang-Kai-Sheik and this lead to the Communist Chinese Revolution of 1949.
This was a brief description of the modern Chinese history.
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