We have read that the oppressive tax policy of the Dhananand, the Nanda Dynasty ruler resented the subjects. So, Chandragupta Maurya and Chanakya took advantage of this condition and overthrew the Nanda Dynasty and established the Mauryan Empire. But before it a major incident took place. It was an external invasion from the north-west frontier of India. A Macedonian army under the leadership of Alexander invaded India’s North-Western provinces.
Alexander’s Invasion
Alexander was a Macedonian hero, who was very fascinated with India. So, he came to India after defeating the Persian Ruler Xerus. He invaded India from the North-Western Frontier. The Taxila Prince Ambi helped him to fight against the Army of Porus.
Porus was a young king of the area between the river Jhelum and Chenab. This area also called Plains of Karri. In the Battle of Hydaspes (Jhelum), armies of Porus and Alexander fought with valor. Alexander got impressed with the young king Porus and returned his territory to him.
After this battle, he wanted to go towards East. But his army denied moving further in India. It was so because the army of Alexander once had the experienced a taste of Indian fighting qualities. And they have also heard about the glory of Infantry, Cavalry and Elephant forces of Mahapadma Nanda. So, they asked Alexander to retreat or return to their native place. So, after their denial, Alexander lamented,
I am trying to rouse the hearts that are disloyal and crushed with craven fears.
Alexander who had never faced defeat at the hand of his enemies had to accept defeat from his own Men. So, he left India. However, the governor of Alexander that is Seleucus Nicator was placed at the north-western frontier of India. So, as the Indo-Greek trade also improved from this invasion.
Mauryan Empire

Alexander went empty-handed from India. But all this episode gave the opportunity to the Chandragupta Maurya and his Guru Chanakya, to establish a vast Empire over the Magadha. There are numerous resources that gave the description for the Mauryan Empire. Let us list out them,
- Arthashastra of Kautilya or Chanakya. Arthashastra is a collection of 15 books with 179 sub-sections. Book numbers 2, 3, and 4 are relevant to Mauryan Period.
- Mudrarakshas by the Vishakhadutta. Devichandragupta by Vishakhadutta also mentions the reign of Mauryan King Chandragupta.
- Vishnu Purana states that Mother of Chandragupta was Mura. Though she was a woman of low caste but was the wife of a Nanda King.
- Kalpasutra by Bhadrabahu.
- Parisistparvan by Hemachandra. This book mentions the conversion of Chandragupta Maurya to Jainism.
- Indica by Magasthenes. Magasthenes was the Greek Ambassador. He came with the army of Alexander. He mentions the administrative system of the Mauryan Empire.
The most important sources to know about the Mauryan Empire are the Ashoka’s Major and Minor Rock Edicts.
Mauryan Empire: Major Rock Edicts
There are 14 major rock edicts of Ashoka, the Great. The Major Rock Edicts are in Jaugada, Kalsi, Mansehra, Shabbazgarti, Girnar, Sopara, Yerragudi, and Dauli. So, let’s have a look at the important Major Rock Edicts.
1st Major Rock Edict
It states “Do not kill animals”.
3rd Major Rock Edict
In this Major Rock Edict, Ashoka created three new administrative posts. These were,
- Pradeshika: District Magistrate.
- Rajjuka: Revenue Officer.
- Yukta: Clerk.
5th Major Rock Edict
It describes the new administrator’s Dhamma Mahamatyas. These officials were appointed to preach Dhamma to the people. Ashoka sent these Dhamma Mahamatyas to various extents.
6th Major Rock Edict
In this, Major Rock Edict, a new post was Prativedaka. And this Prativedaka could meet to the Ashoka at any time if the matter was regarding Kingdom affairs.
8th Major Rock Edict
This Rock Edict states that Ashoka went Bodhgaya. As we know Bodhgaya is where Siddhartha Gautama became Gautama Buddha. So, Ashoka worshipped the Bodhi Tree i.e. Peepal Tree in the 10th year of his ruling.
13th Major Rock Edict
This gave the description of the Kalinga war. So, after which Ashoka adopted the policy of Dhammavijaya over Digvijaya. This Major Rock Edict also mentions for the South Kingdoms Chola, Chera, and Pandya, etc.
14th Major Rock Edict
In this Edict, Ashoka states that My Kingdom is vast.
Minor Rock and Pillar Edicts
Minor Rock Edicts have found at 14 places. Maski, Gujarra, Nittur, and Udegolam Minor Rock Edicts mentions Ashoka’s name explicitly. Devanama Devpiyadasi was the name of Ashoka in these Rock Edicts.
Likewise, there are many Minor Pillar Edicts of Ashoka. So, these are Allahabad, Sanchi, and Sarnath Pillar Edicts mention Ashoka’s obsession with the Dhamma.
Junagarh Rock Inscription
This inscription of Rudradama-I, states about the construction of Sudarsana Lake in the Saurashtra region.
Barabar Hill Cave Inscription
Barabar Caves were the favor of Ashoka to the Ajivika Monks. However, Ashoka’s father Bindusara in his last days inclined toward the Ajivika sect.
Bhabru Edicts
Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism and his reverence for this religion.
James Princep in 1837, first deciphered the Ashokan Edicts. However, in Edicts Ashoka generally, refers to himself by the title Devanam Devapiyadasi means “Beloved of the Gods”.
So, these were the all-important sources from which we learn about the Mauryan Empire. One more important source is Rajatarangini, written by Kalhan. In the Rajatarangini, Kalahan said that Jaluka was the successor of Ashoka in Kashmir.
So, this was all about the sources which can be used as the reference to study Mauryan Empire. However, the Administrative system of the Mauryan Empire was so vast. So, we will deal with it in the upcoming post. Lastly, in the next post, we will discuss all the Emperor or the Kings and the administrative system of the Mauryan Empire.
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