Revolt of 1857: Failure & Evaluation

In the previous post, we have discussed the first war of independence, 1857. We have read about some features of the Revolt of 1857. Now we will discuss some more features and then will evaluate and conclude the reasons for the failure of this revolt.

Revolt of 1857

Religious Flavor of the Revolt

In the 19th Century, India was dominated by Hindus and Muslims. In the Revolt of 1857, the main participants were these both communities. Hindu and Muslim both stood collectively against the exploitation and suppression of the East India Company.

During the Revolt of 1857, the British Government took brutal steps to suppress the rebellion. So, it seems to justify their actions and to gain the support of the Christian population of Britain and Europe, European intellectuals gave religious flavor to the Revolt of 1857.

They called it Hindu-Muslim Conspiracy against the Christians. But in reality, it was the misinterpretation of fact and somewhat the misguiding factor. Because any revolution though burst suddenly like a Volcano, but there are many external and internal factors work to laid down its foundation.

From the Battle of Plassey 1757 to 1857, there were a lot of factors that were irritating the masses. Though the eruption was sudden the masses were suffering since the 100 years. So, people stood up against the misrule of their rulers. It was just a coincidence that the ruling lobby was Christian while ruled were Hindus and Muslims.

Moreover such kind of rebellion also took place during the reign of Aurangzeb, who was a Muslim ruler. Till now, in history, the struggle between the ruling and the ruled lobby was because of the ruling pattern of the ruling party. So, the reason for any revolt or revolution is that masses are not happy by the ruling authority.

Sepoy’s Mutiny

According to some historians, the revolt of 1857 was simply a Sepoy’s Mutiny. This is again seemed to be a biased analysis. There is no doubt that the Revolt of 1857 started with the rebellion of Indian soldiers with the British Army. But when the soldiers came out to protest they were joined by all the sections of the suppressed and exploited class.

Therefore all these perceptions regarding 1857 have their own reality. But in a practical sense, the revolt of 1857 was basically the uprising of frustrated people against suppression and exploitation in which the initiative was taken by Soldiers.

Reasons for the Failure

Revolt of 1857: Reasons for the Failure of Revolt
Revolt of 1857: Reasons for the Failure of Revolt

Indians were fighting for their personal interest. There was no such a Nation India and was no feeling of Nationalism. Till 1857, there was no nationalistic feeling. India was divided into various princely states and they all were fighting for their sack. So, India became very easy prey for Britishers to play the game of Divide and Rule politics.

Evaluation of Revolt of 1857

Though Revolt of 1857 failed to fulfill its basic objective of eliminating British rule in India. But then also it has a very important place in the history of Modern India because of the following reasons.

  • It became the symbol of mass revolt against British rule.
  • Revolt acted as a catalyst for the second phase of the freedom struggle in India.
  • It led to a change in power from EIC to the crown.

So, after 1857, Modern India saw the beginning of a new era in India. With the beginning of the crown’s rule in India. In spite of all good promises and declarations, this period proved to be a disappointment for Indians. So, from here started the wave of freedom struggle in India.

We will discuss the initial phase of Freedom struggle in the upcoming post. Till then, enjoy learning.

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